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Last updated
Tokenomics refers to the underlying economic principles and mechanisms that govern a cryptocurrency or token. It encompasses various factors, including the token's distribution, supply, utility, and value proposition. Tokenomics is designed to create a sustainable and incentivized ecosystem that aligns the interests of token holders, project developers, and other stakeholders. It involves implementing strategies such as token issuance, defining the token's utility and functionality, incentivizing token holders through staking or rewards, and fostering adoption and value generation within the blockchain network or project. Overall, tokenomics plays a crucial role in establishing a balanced and thriving economic framework for a token or cryptocurrency.
All prices are estimated based on BNB at $240.
Total Supply
1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
Presale price
Between $0.001440 and $0.002520
Launch price
$0.002520 / 0.0000105 BNB
Liquidity Supply (following public presale)
350,000,000 Cointeo Token (35 %)
Initial market cap
Binance smart chain
Contract address
Reserve wallet
Team wallet
Holders wallet
Liquidity supply
35 %
Locked for 1 year
Private ICO
2 %
10 % release every month
Public ICO 1
12 %
16,6 % release every month
Public ICO 2
12 %
25 % release every month
Public ICO 3
12 %
33 % release every month
Public ICO 4
12 %
No vesting
10 %
Exchanges listing, contests etc ..
5 %
20 % release every year